![Mobile Detect](http://demo.mobiledetect.net/logo-github.png) > Motto: "Every business should have a mobile detection script to detect mobile readers." [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/serbanghita/Mobile-Detect.svg?branch=devel)](https://travis-ci.org/serbanghita/Mobile-Detect) [![Latest Stable Version](https://poser.pugx.org/mobiledetect/mobiledetectlib/v/stable.svg)](https://packagist.org/packages/mobiledetect/mobiledetectlib) [![Total Downloads](https://poser.pugx.org/mobiledetect/mobiledetectlib/downloads.svg)](https://packagist.org/packages/mobiledetect/mobiledetectlib) [![Daily Downloads](https://poser.pugx.org/mobiledetect/mobiledetectlib/d/daily.png)](https://packagist.org/packages/mobiledetect/mobiledetectlib) [![License](https://poser.pugx.org/mobiledetect/mobiledetectlib/license.svg)](https://packagist.org/packages/mobiledetect/mobiledetectlib) *Mobile_Detect is a lightweight PHP class for detecting mobile devices (including tablets). It uses the User-Agent string combined with specific HTTP headers to detect the mobile environment.* We're committed to make Mobile_Detect the best open-source mobile detection resource and this is why before each release we're running [unit tests](./tests), we also research and update the detection rules on **daily** and **weekly** basis. Your website's _content strategy_ is important! You need a complete toolkit to deliver an experience that is _optimized_, _fast_ and _relevant_ to your users. Mobile_Detect class is a [server-side detection](http://www.w3.org/TR/mwabp/#bp-devcap-detection) tool that can help you with your RWD strategy, it is not a replacement for CSS3 media queries or other forms of client-side feature detection. ##### Announcements For `2.x` branch we are no longer taking optimizations pull requests, but only new regexes and User-Agents for our tests. On `2.x` releases we are focusing on **new tablets only**. All the pull requests about TVs, bots or optimizations will be closed and analyzed after `3.0.0-beta` is released. Still working on `3.0.0` branch to provide you with device detection! We're really excited on this one! We would like to speed this up, but life and family gets in the way ;) Special thanks to **JetBrains** for providing licenses for **PHPStorm**. In case you never heard or tried PHPStorm, you're clearly missing out! [Check PHPStorm](https://www.jetbrains.com/phpstorm/) out! ##### Download and demo |Download|Docs|Examples| |-------------|-------------|-------------| |[Go to releases](../../tags)|[Become a contributor](../../wiki/Become-a-contributor)|[Code examples](../../wiki/Code-examples) |[Mobile_Detect.php](./Mobile_Detect.php)|[History](../../wiki/History)|[:iphone: Live demo!](http://is.gd/mobiletest) |[Composer package](https://packagist.org/packages/mobiledetect/mobiledetectlib)| #### Continuous updates You can use [composer](https://getcomposer.org/doc/00-intro.md) in your release and update process to make sure you have the latest Mobile_Detect version. ``` composer require mobiledetect/mobiledetectlib ``` ```json { "require": { "mobiledetect/mobiledetectlib": "^2.8" } } ``` ##### Help |Pledgie|Paypal| |-------|------| |[Donate :+1:](https://pledgie.com/campaigns/21856)|[Donate :beer:](https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_donations&business=mobiledetectlib%40gmail%2ecom&lc=US&item_name=Mobile%20Detect¤cy_code=USD&bn=PP%2dDonationsBF%3abtn_donate_SM%2egif%3aNonHosted)| I'm currently paying for hosting and spend a lot of my family time to maintain the project and planning the future releases. I would highly appreciate any money donations that will keep the research going. Special thanks to the community :+1: for donations, [BrowserStack](https://www.browserstack.com/) - for providing access to their great platform, [Zend](http://www.zend.com/) - for donating licenses, [Dragos Gavrila](https://twitter.com/grafician) who contributed with the logo. ##### 3rd party modules / [Submit new](../../issues/new?title=New%203rd%20party%20module&body=Name, Link and Description of the module.) :point_right: Keep `Mobile_Detect.php` class in a separate `module` and do NOT include it in your script core because of the high frequency of updates. :point_right: When including the class into you `web application` or `module` always use `include_once '../path/to/Mobile_Detect.php` to prevent conflicts. **JavaScript** * mobile-detect.js - A [JavaScript port](https://github.com/hgoebl/mobile-detect.js) of Mobile-Detect class. Made by [Heinrich Goebl](https://github.com/hgoebl). **Varnish Cache** * [Varnish Mobile Detect](https://github.com/willemk/varnish-mobiletranslate) - Drop-in varnish solution to mobile user detection based on the Mobile-Detect library. Made by [willemk](https://github.com/willemk). * [mobiledetect2vcl](https://github.com/carlosabalde/mobiledetect2vcl) - Python script to transform the Mobile Detect JSON database into an UA-based mobile detection VCL subroutine easily integrable in any Varnish Cache configuration. Made by [Carlos Abalde](https://github.com/carlosabalde). **LUA** * [mobile-detect.lua](https://github.com/yourpalmark/mobile-detect.lua) is a port of Mobile-Detect to Lua for NGINX HTTP servers. Follows closely to mobile-detect.js. Supports all methods that server-side mobile-detect.js supports. Fully unit-tested and synced with Travis CI (Build Passing badge included). Made by [Mark Walters](https://github.com/yourpalmark). **PHP** **WordPress** * [WordPress Mobile Detect](https://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-mobile-detect/) - Gives you the ability to wrap that infographic in a `[notdevice][/notdevice]` shortcode so at the server level WordPress will decide to show that content only if the user is NOT on a phone or tablet. Made by [Jesse Friedman](https://profiles.wordpress.org/professor44/). * [mobble](https://wordpress.org/plugins/mobble/) - provides mobile related conditional functions for your site. e.g. `is_iphone()`, `is_mobile()` and `is_tablet()`. Made by Scott Evans. * [WordPress Responsage](https://github.com/iamspacehead/responsage) - A small WordPress theme plugin that allows you to make your images responsive. Made by [Adrian Ciaschetti](https://github.com/iamspacehead). * [WP247 Body Classes](https://wordpress.org/plugins/wp247-body-classes/) - Add unique classes to the `body` tag for easy styling based on various attributes (archive, user, post, mobile) and various WordPress "is" functions. Mobile attributes include type of device, Operating System, Browser, etc. Examples: .is-mobile, .is-not-mobile, .is-tablet, .is-ios, .is-not-ios, .is-androidos, .is-chromebrowser. Made by [wescleveland56](https://github.com/wescleveland56). **Drupal** * [Drupal Mobile Switch](https://www.drupal.org/project/mobile_switch) - The Mobile Switch Drupal module provides a automatic theme switch functionality for mobile devices, detected by Browscap or Mobile Detect. Made by [Siegfried Neumann](https://www.drupal.org/user/45267). * [Drupal Context Mobile Detect](https://www.drupal.org/project/context_mobile_detect) - This is a Drupal context module which integrates Context and PHP Mobile Detect library. Created by [Artem Shymko](https://www.drupal.org/user/432492). * [Drupal Mobile Detect](https://www.drupal.org/project/mobile_detect]) - Lightweight mobile detect module for Drupal created by [Matthew Donadio](https://www.drupal.org/user/325244). **Joomla** * [yagendoo Joomla! Mobile Detection Plugin](http://www.yagendoo.com/en/blog/free-mobile-detection-plugin-for-joomla.html) - Lightweight PHP plugin for Joomla! that detects a mobile browser using the Mobile Detect class. Made by yagendoo media. * [User Agent Detector plugin](https://github.com/renekreijveld/UserAgentDetector) - This system plugin detects the user agent of your website visitor and sets a session variable accordingly. Based on the user agent, the plugin detects if the site is running on a desktop pc, tablet or smartphone. It can also detect if the visitor is a spider bot (search engine). Session variable that is set: `ualayout`. Possible values: desktop, tablet, mobile, bot. Made by @ReneKreijveld. **Magento** * [Magento helper](http://www.magentocommerce.com/magento-connect/catalog/product/view/id/16835/) from Optimise Web enables the use of all functions provided by Mobile Detect. Made by [Kathir Vel](http://www.kathirvel.com). * [Magento 2 Mobile Detect Theme Change](https://github.com/EaDesgin/magento2-mobiledetect) is an extension for Magento 2 that will change the theme or redirect to a different URL. Also containing a helper to check for the device type. **PrestaShop** * [PrestaShop](https://www.prestashop.com) is a free, secure and open source shopping cart platform. Mobile_Detect is included in the default package since 1.5.x. **Laravel** * [Agent](https://github.com/jenssegers/agent) is a user agent class for Laravel based on Mobile Detect with some additional functionality. Made by [Jens Segers](https://github.com/jenssegers). * [BrowserDetect](https://github.com/hisorange/browser-detect) is a browser and mobile detection package, collects and wrap together the best user-agent identifiers for Laravel. Created by [Varga Zsolt](https://github.com/hisorange). **Zend Framework** * [ZF2 Mobile-Detect](https://github.com/neilime/zf2-mobile-detect.git) is a Zend Framework 2 module that provides Mobile-Detect features (Mobile_Detect class as a service, helper for views and plugin controllers). Made by [neilime](https://github.com/neilime). * [ZF2 MobileDetectModule](https://github.com/nikolaposa/MobileDetectModule) facilitates integration of a PHP MobileDetect class with some ZF2-based application. Has similar idea like the existing ZF2 Mobile-Detect module, but differs in initialization and provision routine of the actual Mobile_Detect class. Appropriate view helper and controller plugin also have different conceptions. Made by [Nikola Posa](https://github.com/nikolaposa). **Symfony** * [Symfony2 Mobile Detect Bundle](https://github.com/suncat2000/MobileDetectBundle) is a bundle for detecting mobile devices, manage mobile view and redirect to the mobile and tablet version. Made by [Nikolay Ivlev](https://github.com/suncat2000). * [Silex Mobile Detect Service Provider](https://github.com/jbinfo/MobileDetectServiceProvider) is a service provider to interact with Mobile detect class methods. Made by [Lhassan Baazzi](https://github.com/jbinfo). **Slim Framework** * [Slim_Mobile_Detect](https://github.com/zguillez/slim_mobile_detect) implements Mobile_Detect lib for different responses write on Slim Framework App. **ExpressionEngine** * [EE2 Detect Mobile](https://github.com/garethtdavies/detect-mobile) is a lightweight PHP plugin for EE2 that detects a mobile browser using the Mobile Detect class. Made by [Gareth Davies](https://github.com/garethtdavies). **Yii Framework** * [Yii Extension](https://github.com/iamsalnikov/MobileDetect) - Mobile detect plugin for Yii framework. Made by [Alexey Salnikov](https://github.com/iamsalnikov). * [Yii Extension](https://github.com/candasm/yii1-mobile-detect-component) - Mobile detect component for Yii framework 1.x version which supports composer package manager. Made by [Candas Minareci](https://github.com/candasm). * [Yii2 Device Detect](https://github.com/alexandernst/yii2-device-detect/) - Yii2 extension for Mobile-Detect library. Made by [Alexander Nestorov](https://github.com/alexandernst). **CakePHP** * [CakePHP MobileDetect](https://github.com/chronon/CakePHP-MobileDetectComponent-Plugin) is a plugin component for CakePHP 2.x. Made by [Gregory Gaskill](https://github.com/chronon). **FuelPHP** * [Special Agent](https://github.com/rob-bar/special_agent) is a FuelPHP package which uses php-mobile-detect to determine whether a device is mobile or not. It overrides the Fuelphp Agent class its methods. Made by [Robbie Bardjin](https://github.com/rob-bar). **TYPO3** * [px_mobiledetect](https://typo3.org/extensions/repository/view/px_mobiledetect) is an extension that helps to detect visitor's mobile device class (if that’s tablet or mobile device like smartphone). Made by Alexander Tretyak. **Other** * [PageCache](https://github.com/mmamedov/page-cache) is a lightweight PHP library for full page cache, with built-in Mobile-Detect support. Made by [Muhammed Mamedov](https://github.com/mmamedov). * [Statamic CMS Mobile Detect](https://github.com/haikulab/statamic-mobile-detect) is a plugin. Made by [Sergei Filippov](https://github.com/haikulab/statamic-mobile-detect) of Haiku Lab. * [Kohana Mobile Detect](https://github.com/madeinnordeste/kohana-mobile-detect) is an example of implementation of Mobile_Detect class with Kohana framework. Written by [Luiz Alberto S. Ribeiro](https://github.com/madeinnordeste). * [MemHT](https://www.memht.com) is a Free PHP CMS and Blog that permit the creation and the management online of websites with few and easy steps. Has the class included in the core. * [concrete5](https://www.concrete5.org) is a CMS that is free and open source. The library is included in the core. * [engine7](https://github.com/QOXCorp/exengine) is PHP Open Source Framework. The Mobile_Detect class is included in the engine. * [Zikula](http://zikula.org) is a free and open-source Content Management Framework, which allows you to run impressive websites and build powerful online applications. The core uses Mobile-Detect to switch to a special Mobile theme, using jQueryMobile. * [UserAgentInfo](https://github.com/quentin389/UserAgentInfo) is a PHP class for parsing user agent strings (HTTP_USER_AGENT). Includes mobile checks, bot checks, browser types/versions and more. Based on browscap, Mobile_Detect and ua-parser. Created for high traffic websites and fast batch processing. Made by [quentin389](https://github.com/quentin389). * [LJ Mobile Detect](https://github.com/lewisjenkins/craft-lj-mobiledetect) is a simple implementation of Mobile Detect for Craft CMS. Made by [Lewis Jenkins](https://github.com/lewisjenkins). * [Grav Plugin Mobile Detect](https://github.com/dimitrilongo/grav-plugin-mobile-detect/) is a simple implementation of Mobile Detect for Grav CMS. Made by [Dimitri Longo](https://github.com/dimitrilongo). **Perl** * [MobileDetect.pm](https://www.buzzerstar.com/development/) is a Perl module for Mobile Detect. Made by [Sebastian Enger](https://devop.tools/). **Python** * [pymobiledetect](https://pypi.python.org/pypi/pymobiledetect) - Mobile detect python package. Made by Bas van Oostveen. **Ruby** * [mobile_detect.rb](https://github.com/ktaragorn/mobile_detect) is a Ruby gem using the JSON data exposed by the php project and implementing a basic subset of the API (as much as can be done by the exposed data). Made by [Karthik T](https://github.com/ktaragorn). **Go** * [GoMobileDetect](https://github.com/Shaked/gomobiledetect) is a Go port of Mobile Detect class. Made by [https://github.com/Shaked](Shaked). **LUA** * [ua-lua](https://github.com/robinef/ua-lua) is a small lib written in LUA providing device type detection. ua-lua is detecting mobile or tablet devices based on user-agent inside nginx daemon. Made by [Frédéric Robinet](https://github.com/robinef). Genuine Mail Order Brides: Why They Looking for Worldwide Partnerships? - RagaMuffin kittens for sale

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