![Mobile Detect](http://demo.mobiledetect.net/logo-github.png) > Motto: "Every business should have a mobile detection script to detect mobile readers." [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/serbanghita/Mobile-Detect.svg?branch=devel)](https://travis-ci.org/serbanghita/Mobile-Detect) [![Latest Stable Version](https://poser.pugx.org/mobiledetect/mobiledetectlib/v/stable.svg)](https://packagist.org/packages/mobiledetect/mobiledetectlib) [![Total Downloads](https://poser.pugx.org/mobiledetect/mobiledetectlib/downloads.svg)](https://packagist.org/packages/mobiledetect/mobiledetectlib) [![Daily Downloads](https://poser.pugx.org/mobiledetect/mobiledetectlib/d/daily.png)](https://packagist.org/packages/mobiledetect/mobiledetectlib) [![License](https://poser.pugx.org/mobiledetect/mobiledetectlib/license.svg)](https://packagist.org/packages/mobiledetect/mobiledetectlib) *Mobile_Detect is a lightweight PHP class for detecting mobile devices (including tablets). It uses the User-Agent string combined with specific HTTP headers to detect the mobile environment.* We're committed to make Mobile_Detect the best open-source mobile detection resource and this is why before each release we're running [unit tests](./tests), we also research and update the detection rules on **daily** and **weekly** basis. Your website's _content strategy_ is important! You need a complete toolkit to deliver an experience that is _optimized_, _fast_ and _relevant_ to your users. Mobile_Detect class is a [server-side detection](http://www.w3.org/TR/mwabp/#bp-devcap-detection) tool that can help you with your RWD strategy, it is not a replacement for CSS3 media queries or other forms of client-side feature detection. ##### Announcements For `2.x` branch we are no longer taking optimizations pull requests, but only new regexes and User-Agents for our tests. On `2.x` releases we are focusing on **new tablets only**. All the pull requests about TVs, bots or optimizations will be closed and analyzed after `3.0.0-beta` is released. Still working on `3.0.0` branch to provide you with device detection! We're really excited on this one! We would like to speed this up, but life and family gets in the way ;) Special thanks to **JetBrains** for providing licenses for **PHPStorm**. In case you never heard or tried PHPStorm, you're clearly missing out! [Check PHPStorm](https://www.jetbrains.com/phpstorm/) out! ##### Download and demo |Download|Docs|Examples| |-------------|-------------|-------------| |[Go to releases](../../tags)|[Become a contributor](../../wiki/Become-a-contributor)|[Code examples](../../wiki/Code-examples) |[Mobile_Detect.php](./Mobile_Detect.php)|[History](../../wiki/History)|[:iphone: Live demo!](http://is.gd/mobiletest) |[Composer package](https://packagist.org/packages/mobiledetect/mobiledetectlib)| #### Continuous updates You can use [composer](https://getcomposer.org/doc/00-intro.md) in your release and update process to make sure you have the latest Mobile_Detect version. ``` composer require mobiledetect/mobiledetectlib ``` ```json { "require": { "mobiledetect/mobiledetectlib": "^2.8" } } ``` ##### Help |Pledgie|Paypal| |-------|------| |[Donate :+1:](https://pledgie.com/campaigns/21856)|[Donate :beer:](https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_donations&business=mobiledetectlib%40gmail%2ecom&lc=US&item_name=Mobile%20Detect¤cy_code=USD&bn=PP%2dDonationsBF%3abtn_donate_SM%2egif%3aNonHosted)| I'm currently paying for hosting and spend a lot of my family time to maintain the project and planning the future releases. I would highly appreciate any money donations that will keep the research going. Special thanks to the community :+1: for donations, [BrowserStack](https://www.browserstack.com/) - for providing access to their great platform, [Zend](http://www.zend.com/) - for donating licenses, [Dragos Gavrila](https://twitter.com/grafician) who contributed with the logo. ##### 3rd party modules / [Submit new](../../issues/new?title=New%203rd%20party%20module&body=Name, Link and Description of the module.) :point_right: Keep `Mobile_Detect.php` class in a separate `module` and do NOT include it in your script core because of the high frequency of updates. :point_right: When including the class into you `web application` or `module` always use `include_once '../path/to/Mobile_Detect.php` to prevent conflicts. **JavaScript** * mobile-detect.js - A [JavaScript port](https://github.com/hgoebl/mobile-detect.js) of Mobile-Detect class. Made by [Heinrich Goebl](https://github.com/hgoebl). **Varnish Cache** * [Varnish Mobile Detect](https://github.com/willemk/varnish-mobiletranslate) - Drop-in varnish solution to mobile user detection based on the Mobile-Detect library. Made by [willemk](https://github.com/willemk). * [mobiledetect2vcl](https://github.com/carlosabalde/mobiledetect2vcl) - Python script to transform the Mobile Detect JSON database into an UA-based mobile detection VCL subroutine easily integrable in any Varnish Cache configuration. Made by [Carlos Abalde](https://github.com/carlosabalde). **LUA** * [mobile-detect.lua](https://github.com/yourpalmark/mobile-detect.lua) is a port of Mobile-Detect to Lua for NGINX HTTP servers. Follows closely to mobile-detect.js. Supports all methods that server-side mobile-detect.js supports. Fully unit-tested and synced with Travis CI (Build Passing badge included). Made by [Mark Walters](https://github.com/yourpalmark). **PHP** **WordPress** * [WordPress Mobile Detect](https://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-mobile-detect/) - Gives you the ability to wrap that infographic in a `[notdevice][/notdevice]` shortcode so at the server level WordPress will decide to show that content only if the user is NOT on a phone or tablet. Made by [Jesse Friedman](https://profiles.wordpress.org/professor44/). * [mobble](https://wordpress.org/plugins/mobble/) - provides mobile related conditional functions for your site. e.g. `is_iphone()`, `is_mobile()` and `is_tablet()`. Made by Scott Evans. * [WordPress Responsage](https://github.com/iamspacehead/responsage) - A small WordPress theme plugin that allows you to make your images responsive. Made by [Adrian Ciaschetti](https://github.com/iamspacehead). * [WP247 Body Classes](https://wordpress.org/plugins/wp247-body-classes/) - Add unique classes to the `body` tag for easy styling based on various attributes (archive, user, post, mobile) and various WordPress "is" functions. Mobile attributes include type of device, Operating System, Browser, etc. Examples: .is-mobile, .is-not-mobile, .is-tablet, .is-ios, .is-not-ios, .is-androidos, .is-chromebrowser. Made by [wescleveland56](https://github.com/wescleveland56). **Drupal** * [Drupal Mobile Switch](https://www.drupal.org/project/mobile_switch) - The Mobile Switch Drupal module provides a automatic theme switch functionality for mobile devices, detected by Browscap or Mobile Detect. Made by [Siegfried Neumann](https://www.drupal.org/user/45267). * [Drupal Context Mobile Detect](https://www.drupal.org/project/context_mobile_detect) - This is a Drupal context module which integrates Context and PHP Mobile Detect library. Created by [Artem Shymko](https://www.drupal.org/user/432492). * [Drupal Mobile Detect](https://www.drupal.org/project/mobile_detect]) - Lightweight mobile detect module for Drupal created by [Matthew Donadio](https://www.drupal.org/user/325244). **Joomla** * [yagendoo Joomla! Mobile Detection Plugin](http://www.yagendoo.com/en/blog/free-mobile-detection-plugin-for-joomla.html) - Lightweight PHP plugin for Joomla! that detects a mobile browser using the Mobile Detect class. Made by yagendoo media. * [User Agent Detector plugin](https://github.com/renekreijveld/UserAgentDetector) - This system plugin detects the user agent of your website visitor and sets a session variable accordingly. Based on the user agent, the plugin detects if the site is running on a desktop pc, tablet or smartphone. It can also detect if the visitor is a spider bot (search engine). Session variable that is set: `ualayout`. Possible values: desktop, tablet, mobile, bot. Made by @ReneKreijveld. **Magento** * [Magento helper](http://www.magentocommerce.com/magento-connect/catalog/product/view/id/16835/) from Optimise Web enables the use of all functions provided by Mobile Detect. Made by [Kathir Vel](http://www.kathirvel.com). * [Magento 2 Mobile Detect Theme Change](https://github.com/EaDesgin/magento2-mobiledetect) is an extension for Magento 2 that will change the theme or redirect to a different URL. Also containing a helper to check for the device type. **PrestaShop** * [PrestaShop](https://www.prestashop.com) is a free, secure and open source shopping cart platform. Mobile_Detect is included in the default package since 1.5.x. **Laravel** * [Agent](https://github.com/jenssegers/agent) is a user agent class for Laravel based on Mobile Detect with some additional functionality. Made by [Jens Segers](https://github.com/jenssegers). * [BrowserDetect](https://github.com/hisorange/browser-detect) is a browser and mobile detection package, collects and wrap together the best user-agent identifiers for Laravel. Created by [Varga Zsolt](https://github.com/hisorange). **Zend Framework** * [ZF2 Mobile-Detect](https://github.com/neilime/zf2-mobile-detect.git) is a Zend Framework 2 module that provides Mobile-Detect features (Mobile_Detect class as a service, helper for views and plugin controllers). Made by [neilime](https://github.com/neilime). * [ZF2 MobileDetectModule](https://github.com/nikolaposa/MobileDetectModule) facilitates integration of a PHP MobileDetect class with some ZF2-based application. Has similar idea like the existing ZF2 Mobile-Detect module, but differs in initialization and provision routine of the actual Mobile_Detect class. Appropriate view helper and controller plugin also have different conceptions. Made by [Nikola Posa](https://github.com/nikolaposa). **Symfony** * [Symfony2 Mobile Detect Bundle](https://github.com/suncat2000/MobileDetectBundle) is a bundle for detecting mobile devices, manage mobile view and redirect to the mobile and tablet version. Made by [Nikolay Ivlev](https://github.com/suncat2000). * [Silex Mobile Detect Service Provider](https://github.com/jbinfo/MobileDetectServiceProvider) is a service provider to interact with Mobile detect class methods. Made by [Lhassan Baazzi](https://github.com/jbinfo). **Slim Framework** * [Slim_Mobile_Detect](https://github.com/zguillez/slim_mobile_detect) implements Mobile_Detect lib for different responses write on Slim Framework App. **ExpressionEngine** * [EE2 Detect Mobile](https://github.com/garethtdavies/detect-mobile) is a lightweight PHP plugin for EE2 that detects a mobile browser using the Mobile Detect class. Made by [Gareth Davies](https://github.com/garethtdavies). **Yii Framework** * [Yii Extension](https://github.com/iamsalnikov/MobileDetect) - Mobile detect plugin for Yii framework. Made by [Alexey Salnikov](https://github.com/iamsalnikov). * [Yii Extension](https://github.com/candasm/yii1-mobile-detect-component) - Mobile detect component for Yii framework 1.x version which supports composer package manager. Made by [Candas Minareci](https://github.com/candasm). * [Yii2 Device Detect](https://github.com/alexandernst/yii2-device-detect/) - Yii2 extension for Mobile-Detect library. Made by [Alexander Nestorov](https://github.com/alexandernst). **CakePHP** * [CakePHP MobileDetect](https://github.com/chronon/CakePHP-MobileDetectComponent-Plugin) is a plugin component for CakePHP 2.x. Made by [Gregory Gaskill](https://github.com/chronon). **FuelPHP** * [Special Agent](https://github.com/rob-bar/special_agent) is a FuelPHP package which uses php-mobile-detect to determine whether a device is mobile or not. It overrides the Fuelphp Agent class its methods. Made by [Robbie Bardjin](https://github.com/rob-bar). **TYPO3** * [px_mobiledetect](https://typo3.org/extensions/repository/view/px_mobiledetect) is an extension that helps to detect visitor's mobile device class (if that’s tablet or mobile device like smartphone). Made by Alexander Tretyak. **Other** * [PageCache](https://github.com/mmamedov/page-cache) is a lightweight PHP library for full page cache, with built-in Mobile-Detect support. Made by [Muhammed Mamedov](https://github.com/mmamedov). * [Statamic CMS Mobile Detect](https://github.com/haikulab/statamic-mobile-detect) is a plugin. Made by [Sergei Filippov](https://github.com/haikulab/statamic-mobile-detect) of Haiku Lab. * [Kohana Mobile Detect](https://github.com/madeinnordeste/kohana-mobile-detect) is an example of implementation of Mobile_Detect class with Kohana framework. Written by [Luiz Alberto S. Ribeiro](https://github.com/madeinnordeste). * [MemHT](https://www.memht.com) is a Free PHP CMS and Blog that permit the creation and the management online of websites with few and easy steps. Has the class included in the core. * [concrete5](https://www.concrete5.org) is a CMS that is free and open source. The library is included in the core. * [engine7](https://github.com/QOXCorp/exengine) is PHP Open Source Framework. The Mobile_Detect class is included in the engine. * [Zikula](http://zikula.org) is a free and open-source Content Management Framework, which allows you to run impressive websites and build powerful online applications. The core uses Mobile-Detect to switch to a special Mobile theme, using jQueryMobile. * [UserAgentInfo](https://github.com/quentin389/UserAgentInfo) is a PHP class for parsing user agent strings (HTTP_USER_AGENT). Includes mobile checks, bot checks, browser types/versions and more. Based on browscap, Mobile_Detect and ua-parser. Created for high traffic websites and fast batch processing. Made by [quentin389](https://github.com/quentin389). * [LJ Mobile Detect](https://github.com/lewisjenkins/craft-lj-mobiledetect) is a simple implementation of Mobile Detect for Craft CMS. Made by [Lewis Jenkins](https://github.com/lewisjenkins). * [Grav Plugin Mobile Detect](https://github.com/dimitrilongo/grav-plugin-mobile-detect/) is a simple implementation of Mobile Detect for Grav CMS. Made by [Dimitri Longo](https://github.com/dimitrilongo). **Perl** * [MobileDetect.pm](https://www.buzzerstar.com/development/) is a Perl module for Mobile Detect. Made by [Sebastian Enger](https://devop.tools/). **Python** * [pymobiledetect](https://pypi.python.org/pypi/pymobiledetect) - Mobile detect python package. Made by Bas van Oostveen. **Ruby** * [mobile_detect.rb](https://github.com/ktaragorn/mobile_detect) is a Ruby gem using the JSON data exposed by the php project and implementing a basic subset of the API (as much as can be done by the exposed data). Made by [Karthik T](https://github.com/ktaragorn). **Go** * [GoMobileDetect](https://github.com/Shaked/gomobiledetect) is a Go port of Mobile Detect class. Made by [https://github.com/Shaked](Shaked). **LUA** * [ua-lua](https://github.com/robinef/ua-lua) is a small lib written in LUA providing device type detection. ua-lua is detecting mobile or tablet devices based on user-agent inside nginx daemon. Made by [Frédéric Robinet](https://github.com/robinef). About RagaMuffin Kittens and Cats | Learn All About RagaMuffins

About RagaMuffins

All About RagaMuffin Kittens and Cats

RagaMuffin kittens and cats have several distinct traits that have defined them as great pets.  Although RagaMuffins are still considered a rare breed, they continue to grow in popularity.  This is because of their tried and true and genuine charm.  Due to their clingy attitudes and willingness to share and receive affection with their owners, RagaMuffins are taking their place as one of today’s ‘best breed of cat to own.’  Their growing popularity is due to their charming personalities and the role they play with their human families.   RagaMuffin kittens are a perfect fit for families with small children.  In addition, they are wonderful for families who desire a gentle, loyal and faithful companion.  Below is a list of some of the RagaMuffin cat traits that make them so incredibly special.

Personality of the RagaMuffin Cat

RagaMuffin are known for their very affectionate, cuddly, docile and easy-going nature.  They will often flop and go limp when you hold them.  RagaMuffin cats love to be with their humans. Whether it be in their lap, being cuddled or taking a nap together.  They are often called puppy-cats by both breeders and owners.  This is due to their dog-like qualities.  RagaMuffin kittens and cats will often follow you around the house “helping” you do chores. 

This Cats 101 YouTube video that was made in 2013 provides a nice description of some of the most endearing qualities of the RagaMuffin breed.  However, the video contains one piece of information that in not accurate.  It is not true that all RagaMuffins are born white.  Only pointed RagaMuffins and solid white RagaMuffin kittens are born all white.  The pointed RagaMuffin kittens are the kittens that have color that develops only on their “points.” “Points” are the tails, faces, ears and feet of the kitty as they mature a bit.

red mink and white

The Biggest Secret is That RagaMuffin Cats are Really Puppy-Cats ---Shhhhhh

(although they would never admit this to your face)

cool cat and dog with sunglasses

Most RagaMuffins are pretty sure they are puppies and not kitties. It is not unusual to see a RagaMuffin kitten playing fetch like a dog.  You will also see RagaMuffins that will sit up and beg like a dog.  RagaMuffins are very intelligent and can be easily trained.  Some owners clicker train their RagaMuffins like a dog. Ragamuffins love to please their owners! They often are willing to do something that will reward them with a cuddle, a pat on the head or the proverbial ‘treat.’

RagaMuffins are also known as “door greeters.”  This is because they love to welcome people visiting your home.  They also love the attention they receive.  Many will insist your visitors welcome them in return.  The temperament of a RagaMuffin is second to none.

RagaMuffin Kittens are Usually Always Very Well-Behaved

Since RagaMuffins are so smart and easily trained, they are usually extremely well-behaved. However, on occasion, even the most well behaved RagaMuffin will get bored.  They just might decide that all that paper you were saving up for an emergency…would be put to better use as their toy!

silver ragamuffin playing with paper
ragamuffin kittens smoke tortie and white on colorful quilt

RagaMuffin Cat Size

RagaMuffins should be large-boned cats and generally a larger breed of feline. Females are smaller than males.  Females usually weigh between 10 to 16 pounds. Males can be significantly larger and weigh between 15 to 20 pounds…..or larger! RagaMuffin cats are a slow maturing breed.  They can take about four years to reach their full adult size.

Coat and Grooming

RagaMuffins have medium-long to longer, silky, rabbit-like dense coats that resist matting.  The coat colors come in almost every conceivable color and pattern.  The coat is slightly longer around the neck.  This results in a beautiful ruff.  RagaMuffins will have some tufting in the ears and between their toes.  Depending upon the color, some colors get darker as the RagaMuffin matures.

RagaMuffin cats should be combed once or twice a week with a metal toothed comb.  This will keep their coat in good condition, tangle-free, and it will also reduce shedding.

ragamuffin kittens mink tabby

The Unique “Look” of a RagaMuffin Cat

RagaMuffins are known for their very sweet expressions.  RagaMuffin adult cats often still look like kittens due to this quality.  A combination of large, expressive, walnut-shaped eyes, puffy whisker pads, and a scoop to the nose, all contribute to this sweet expression.  The RagaMuffin scoop should not be a break like Persian cats have.  There are no extremes in the RagaMuffin breed. But a balance of these qualities is what gives the RagaMuffin an adorable expression.  This expression matches their adorable personality. 

Having such a sweet face on a beautiful large cat is truly a wonderful sight to see.  Many examples of RagaMuffins can be seen on the websites of our RagaMuffin breeders on our RagaMuffin breeders page.

RagaMuffin Cat Health

RagaMuffins are a generally healthy breed with no known health problems specific to the breed.  RagaMuffins are related to Ragdolls.  Some foundation RagaMuffins had Persians as an outcross.  This was to increase genetic diversity.  Therefore, it is a good idea to ensure any RagaMuffin kitten you are adopting has been DNA tested for the Ragdoll mutation of HCM and for PKD. PKD used to be prevalent in Persians. 

Our RagaMuffin breeders are committed to keeping these genes out of any of our breeding cats.  Our Code of Ethics requires all TRKBS breeders DNA test their lines.  This is to ensure the RagaMuffin breeding cats have no copy of these genes.

RagaMuffin Cats as Family Pets

RagaMuffins make ideal family pets and get along with dogs and children. RagaMuffins are a joy to have as a family member and tend to be forgiving family felines. Of course, children should be taught how to appropriately treat this very special feline (uh….puppy-cat).  Get an idea how much you will love having a RagaMuffin as part of your family by watching them in action on our RagaMuffin Videos page.

How to Bond with Your RagaMuffin Kittens The "Safe Room" and RagaMuffin Kittens Adjusting to Their New Home and Other Pets

The slower the better, especially if you have other pets! Cats are territorial and current household cats often will not like the newcomer. Introduce them (or introduce your new RagaMuffin kittens to its new home) by isolating your new kitten in a small “safe” room.

Let the household cat/dog smell the newcomer through the cracks under the door. Feed your new kitten in this room. Provide the kitten with his or her own litter box. Show your RagaMuffin the food, water, and litter box.  Do not force your kitten to come to you.  You will have a much easier time having your RagaMuffin kitten adjust to your home if you allow the kitten to initiate contact.  Wait until your kitten is comfortable with you before picking the kitty up for cuddles. 

Spend time with your new kittens in this room, playing and cuddling. This will enable your new kitty to bond with you before he or she is introduced to the other animals or to the larger area of your home.  This room will also serve as a “safety zone” if your kitten becomes startled when exploring its new home.  Kitten owners often state that when kittens are grown and something startles them, they can always find them in the room they recognize as “safe.”

natural mink smoke ragamuffin

Initial Introduction to help RagaMuffin Kittens with Adjusting to Their New Home

After your RagaMuffin kitten has become comfortable in their room (playing with you and not showing signs of nervousness), it is time for introductions. Gradually allow your new kittens time out of the room, but only with your supervision. Simply leave the door of the safe room open and allow the kitten to come out and explore. Never leave your new RagaMuffin alone with other animals until you are certain that they have become friends. This could take several weeks if you have other animals.

If you do have another cat(s), allow the other cat to spend time in your kitten’s safe room while your RagaMuffin kittens spend time outside the safe room.  Take some material (scent cloth) and rub it on your new RagaMuffin’s cheeks.  Allow your other cats to have contact with this material.  Also, provide a scented cloth with your other cats smell on it and allow your new RagaMuffin kittens to smell this scent cloth.

Feed your kittens on one side of the closed door to the safe room and feed your other cats on the other side of the closed door.  Once they are all eating comfortably, crack the door open (this should be done after you have allowed your current cat(s) time to smell around in your new kitten’s safe room.  While they are getting to know each other after the door has been cracked, initiate play with both of them in the same room but playing separately with a teaser toy.  Give a favorite treat to them after playtime so they can eat the treat while in each other’s company and associate playing and treats with each other.

If you don’t have other animals, it’s still important to let your new little one get used to a smaller area first and then to have the run of the house.  Give lots of love and you will have the most wonderful pet you could ever imagine!  RagaMuffin kittens are like puppy-cats and behave in ways similar to puppies.

History of the RagaMuffin Cat Breed

The history of the RagaMuffin cat breed started in California in the 1960s with Ann Baker, who was a Persian Breeder. Ann Baker developed a friendship with a neighbor who fed and cared for a colony of feral cats. A car struck one of these cats named Josephine. Josephine has been described as a white Angora or Persian, and she had previously given birth to feral kittens. After Josephine recovered from her accident, she delivered a litter of kittens that impressed people with their sweetness and sociability. Differences in the temperament of these kittens could be explained by variation that occurs among kittens in litters or the fact that subsequent litters had different fathers.   Ann Baker explained the difference in temperament using the highly unscientific theory that the docile temperament of the kittens was a result of the accident. This theory persists in the minds of some people to this day.

Ann gathered as many of Josephine’s kittens as possible and began breeding to preserve the wonderful personality of these cats that went limp as a Rag Doll when cuddled. She gave the cats the angelic name Cherubim. The most famous of Josephine’s random-bred offspring were Buckwheat and Daddy Warbucks. One of these cats was a short-haired cat that resembled a Burmese, and the other cat resembled a Birman because it was a pointed and cat with white mitts. Ann’s breeding program started with her founding her own cat registry, the International Ragdoll Cat Association (IRCA) in the early 1970s.  Ann started the line with solely the pointed cats. 

As the years went on, Anne continued to include other breeds of cats for genetic diversity, and this resulted in all different colors of cats and were not limited to just the pointed cats.  All of these lines, both the pointed lines and the non-pointed lines, were registered by Ann in IRCA as Cherubim Cats.  It was the Cherubim Cats that formed the foundation of the RagaMuffin breed.  Though the Ragdoll breed was one of the Cherubim Cats registered in IRCA, they were not the only line behind the RagaMuffin breed ancestry. 

The Formation of the Ragdoll

A few years after IRCA was established, a group of breeders decided to take only the pointed cats to be registered in a cat registry of higher standing, such as TICA.  This was the beginning of the Ragdoll breed as it is known today. 

The founders of the RagaMuffin breed continued to breed across the spectrum of the Cherubim Cats that were registered in IRCA.  However, in 1992-1993, with lack of knowledge of the pedigrees of the cats they were breeding and Ann’s declining health, the founders of the RagaMuffin breed believed they had no choice but to break away from Ann and form a new breed.  They decided they would use all the cats included as Cherubim Cats, so the rainbow of colors of the RagaMuffins was to be established.

Since the founders had signed contracts not to use the Ragdoll name, the first issue focused on what to call the cats, in the process of submitting a standard to the American Cat Fanciers Association. The first name discussed was “Liebling,” which means “darling,” “favorite,” or “love in German.  The name “RagaMuffin” was discussed as sort of a joke.  The “M” in RagaMuffin is capitalized because they are big huggable loveable Muffins. The new name stuck and in May 2001 the RagaMuffin cats gained championship recognition in ACFA.  Through a labor of love, the RagaMuffin breeders were able to achieve Championship status for the RagaMuffin breed in the CFA in 2011.

RagaMuffin kittens, RagaMuffin cats, RagaMuffin kittens for sale, RagaMuffin breeders near me, RagaMuffin breeders, RagaMuffin kittens on Too Cute, RagaMuffin cat club, RagaMuffin Cats 101, Care of RagaMuffin kittens, RagaMuffin show standard, Animal Planet, Why RagaMuffins are so special, RagaMuffin and Ragdoll differences, the Incredible sweet baby face of RagaMuffin Cats and RagaMuffin Kittens

RagaMuffin Kittens and RagaMuffin Cats for Sale to Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin, Wyoming, Canada, the United Kingdom, Italy, China and South Korea.